The Episcopal Church of Honduras, , out of a deep concern for the ordinary family and a Christian commitment to the poor, established an organization called 'Luz en el Camino' (A Light for the Way) on August 15, 2002. The next year, in February, it began operations under its current name, Aanglidesh (Agencia Anglicana para Desarrollo de Honduras or the Anglican Agency for the Development of Honduras).
Aanglidesh works in the rural areas of Honduras, especially in those communities, which belong to our deanaries (i.e. our church districts). In these communities, many Honduran families are barely surviving. They struggle daily for the basics: food, shelter, health and jobs. In a country, where more than half of the population lives below the poverty level, the Episcopal Church and Aanglidesh are bringing a ray of light into the lives of many people.
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
To empower the participants of our programs improving their families’ life conditions and theirs, through services and programs of integral development, under Christian principles.
Our Vision
Be a leader in the development and execution of projects that promote the self-sustainability of Honduran families and of our diocese, restoring the value and dignity of those who have lost hope, that every person whom we serve, understands that they have been created in God's image with value, dignity and purpose, and to experience hope in their lives, their families and their communities.